“Chief” by Monna Barrick, Artist
Original Oil, 24×36 Framed

Native American Indian Tribes, Leaders, and Info
>>> From: http://www.historyonthenet.com/Native_Americans/tribes.htm
There were many different Native American tribes and those with similar characteristics formed a main tribe or nation. Each had its own language, religion and customs.
For the most part the tribes lived peaceably believing that nature was sacred and was to be shared. However, the coming of the Europeans and the removal of their land led to conflict both between the different tribes and between the Indians and whites.
By the end of the nineteenth century the Indians had lost their fight to preserve their traditional way of life and those that had survived the conflicts were confined to reservations.
Name | Nomadic/ Static | Famous Leaders | Brief Facts |
Apache | Nomadic
Hunter-gatherer |
Geronimo, Cochise | Made up of several different groups Lived in extended family units Usual shelter was a dome-shaped lodge called a wickiup Polygamy was allowed but rarely practised Reliant on the buffalo Frequent disputes with the Comanches led to their weakening in the 1700s Traded with the Pueblas in Mexico or raided Spanish villages for goods and horses 1861 conflict between Apaches led by Cochise and Americans in protest at being forced onto reservations 1874 a group of Apaches led by Geronimo escaped capture and fled to Mexico 1886 Geronimo forced to surrender and taken to FortMarion in Florida |
Arapaho | Nomadic
Hunters |
Usual shelter was a tipi Women were in charge of the home and owned the tipi Men were in charge of hunting for food and protecting the camp Reliant on the buffalo Perform Sun Dance in the summer Frequent conflicts with Shoshone and Pawnee tribes 1864 Arapaho were among those slaughtered in the Sand Creek Massacre 1867 placed on Oklahoma reservation 1876 Northern Arapaho placed on Wind River reservation in Wyoming 1889 Active in bringing about the Ghost Dance movement |
Blackfoot | Nomadic
Hunter-gatherer |
Crowfoot | Made up of several different groups Usual shelter was a tipi Women were in charge of the home and owned the tipi Men were in charge of hunting for food and protecting the camp Polygamy was usual Reliant on the buffalo Performed Sun Dance in the summer Mid 1800s many killed by smallpox 1870 200 killed in the Marias Massacre |
Cherokee | Static
Hunter-farmer |
Sequoyah | Made up of seven different clans Usual shelter was cane and mud plaster huts Women were in charge of the home and land Men were in charge of hunting for food and protecting the camp Grew corn, beans, squash, and sunflowers Used canoes 1821 Sequoyah invented the Cherokee alphabet 1838-9 moved west to Oklahoma (Trail of Tears – 4000+ died on the 800 mile journey) |
Cheyenne | Nomadic
Hunter-gatherer |
Black Kettle | Made up of ten different bands Allied with Arapaho and Sioux Usual shelter was a tipi Women were in charge of the home and owned the tipi Men were in charge of hunting for food and protecting the camp Reliant on the buffalo 1864 Cheyenne were among those slaughtered in the Sand Creek Massacre 1876 Northern Cheyenne took part in the Battle of the Little Bighorn 1877 Many forced to Oklahoma those that resisted were shot |
Comanche | Nomadic
Hunter-gatherer |
Established around 1700 after breaking away from Shoshone Led by Peace Chief and War Chief Usual shelter was a tipi Women were in charge of the home and owned the tipi Men were in charge of hunting for food and protecting the camp Reliant on the buffalo Frequent conflicts with Apache and Spanish 50% killed by smallpox and cholera in the mid 1800s 1874-5 Took part in the Buffalo War (Red River War) in protest at the numbers of buffalo being slaughtered By 1879 most were on Fort Sill reservation |
Crow | Nomadic
Hunter-gatherer |
Medicine Crow | Established around 1700 after breaking away from the Sioux Two groups – Mountain Crow and River Crow Usual shelter was a tipi Women were in charge of the home and owned the tipi Men were in charge of hunting for food and protecting the camp Reliant on the buffalo Frequent conflict with Sioux, Shoshone and Blackfoot 1851 Given 35 million acres of land 1868 Land reduced to 8 million acres 1870 Placed on reservation in Oklahoma |
Navajo | Semi-Nomadic
Hunter-farmer |
Moved to south-west around 1500 Usual shelter was a hogan (round stick house covered with mud or hides) Women were in charge of the home and owned the hogan Men were in charge of hunting for food and protecting the camp Kept sheep and women spun and wove wool into cloth Traded with the Spanish Frequent conflict with Spanish Conflict with Americans following Mexican War 1849 1863 American forceunder Kit Carson killed Navajo sheep 1863-4 Forced to move 300 miles to Fort Sumner (The Long Walk) many died on the way 1869 Placed on reservation and given 30,000 sheep by US governement |
Nez Perce | Semi-Nomadic
Hunter gatherer |
Chief Joseph | Made up of two groups – Upper and Lower Nez Perce Name given by the French on account of the tribe piercing their noses Usual shelter originally a longhouse but later used tipis Women were in charge of the home Men were in charge of hunting for food and protecting the camp Made canoes and fished for salmon Frequent conflict with Crow and Shoshone 1863 Allocated land reduced by 7 million acres 1877 Under Chief Joseph actively resisted being moved to reservation (Nez Perce War) Defeated at the Battle of Bear Paw Mountains |
Pawnee | Semi-Nomadic
Hunter-farmer |
Made up of four different bands Usual shelter was an earth lodge but used tipis when hunting Women were in charge of the home Men were in charge of hunting for food and protecting the camp Many killed by smallpox and cholera in the mid 1800s 1825 recognised supremacy of US government 1830-1860 – gave up increasing amounts of land to US government Many Pawnee became scouts for the US government 1876 Moved to Oklahoma reservation |
Shawnee | Nomadic
Hunter-farmer |
Tecumseh, Black Hoof | Made up of five different groups Allied with Cherokee Usual shelter was a wikkum or wigwam (small round dwelling) Women were in charge of the home and farming corn Men were in charge of hunting for food and protecting the camp Used canoes 1740-1760 Caught up in the conflict between the French and British over Ohio Some fought for the British in the War of Independence while others remained neutral Tecumseh led resistance against American expansion but was killed in 1813 Black Hoof led resistance against Indian removal until his death in 1831 1832 Shawnee tribe were living on reservations |
Shoshone | Nomadic
Hunter-gatherer |
Pocatello, Bear Hunter | Made up of seven different groups Usual shelter was a tipi but some lived in brushwood shelters Women were in charge of the home and owned the tipi Men were in charge of hunting for food and protecting the camp Reliant on the buffalo Driven from their land by Mormon settlement of Utah 1862 Bear Hunter led a series of raids on Mormon livestock 1863 Bear Hunter and 250 Shoshone killed in Bear River Massacre After 1863 remaining Shoshone moved to Fort Hall reservation |
Sioux | Nomadic
Hunter |
Red Cloud, Sitting Bull Crazy Horse |
Made up of seven different groups Largest Indian tribe Usual shelter was a tipi Women were in charge of the home and owned the tipi Men were in charge of hunting for food and protecting the camp Reliant on the buffalo Performed the Sun Dance in the summer 1862 Group led by Little Crow massacred 800 settlers in Minnesota 1866-68 Red Cloud led resistance to white settlement along the Bozeman Trail (Red Cloud’s War) 1876 Took part in the Battle of the Little Bighorn 1890 Finally defeated at Battle of Wounded Knee |